Vega Final Info Reveal
- In-stock: 1000 units, available on November 14, shipping out within a few weeks.
- GB: The GB period will open a few weeks after the in-stock units sell out (currently working out the details), and will ship a few months after in typical GB fashion.

359USD for in-stock, 329USD for GB.
Yeah, it's a bit higher than I prefer, but a few things added up:
- Steel weight to avoid the brass problems faced during Polaris
- Larger size and mass
- Hotswap sockets
- Currency exchange rates
- Much more complex design
Hopefully I can drop the price in the future as I improve my design skills for efficient production.
Vendor - Kevinplus's new storefront that focuses on MX keyboards.
So just the Deskeys that everyone knows and trusts, but separating out the MX stuff to a new name so Deskeys can focus on Topre stuff as originally intended.
Purchasing Options
For the pre-order, there will be the following combinations:
- Plate: Poly or alu, single-layout
- PCB: Hotswap
- Additional parts: Soldering kit; includes 1x solderable PCB and universal layout plate in choice of poly or aluminum and necessary parts.
For the group buy, there will be the following options:
- Plate: Poly or alu, single-layout or universal
- PCB: Hotswap or solderable
- Additional parts: Extra PCB kits, extra plate kits
Case Color Options
All weights are matte black PVD unless otherwise stated.
- Grey
- E-White
- Blue
- Green
- Rose Gold
- Black (Silver PVD weight)
So yeah, that covers just about everything left to announce. We'll see how it goes on November 14.